About Me

My name is Taylor Donovan and I am currently a senior at the Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science in Manahawkin, New Jersey. I expect to graduate from high school in June 2015. I enjoy being out in the field, participating in species and data collection, conducting research, and studying local flora and fauna. I plan on furthering my studies of environmental sciences in college as a marine sciences major.

I am currently a member of the National Honor Society at MATES, and one of my major involvements in school is with an organization called Project Terrapin: a volunteer, conservation, and education initiative aimed at supporting the Northern Diamondback Terrapin and its habitat. For the past two years I have been a member of the Sea Nettle Ecology Research Group at my school; the focus of our project was primarily to interview local ecologists, scientists, and fishermen and collect population data concerning the marine species Chrysaora Quinquecirrha. In addition to my curricular activities and involvements, I play tuba as a member the Jackson Memorial Marching Band and am enrolled at Howell Academy of Dance, where I have been a dancer on the competition team for almost thirteen years.

This portfolio highlights some of the unique skills I have acquired at MATES such as writing field reports, conducting research, creating maps, and learning to code in Java, Python, and MATLAB, as well as reports and projects I have created by implementing these skills. The skills I have acquired while here at MATES will most definitely help further me as I pursue a career in the Marine Science field. It also displays photographs of me participating in field work and my extra curricular activities.